27 June 2016

Book Review: The Selection by Kiera Cass

Let me first of all say, this is not in my usual genre range. I like YA novels; I like dystopian fiction. But the whole girly, pageant-like vibe is not something I'm interested in. It took a lot of arm yanking and three recommendations from people I trust before I even started watching Once Upon a Time. Because as my mom now says, "Let's watch the fairy princess show!"

But for some reason, the cover caught my eye when I was walking through a bookstore. I'll admit, I set it back down. I thought it looked interesting but was worried the author wouldn't deliver. After all, I had never heard of her; honestly, that says much less about her than it does about me. Anyway, I told myself I'd look it up later to make sure it was clean (minimal swearing/sexual content etc). I forgot. Only when I was stalking a blog and found a raving review did I remember that I had thought it might be a good book.

Bought it the next time I was in the bookstore. Got razed by both husband and mother..."I can read a girly book if I want to! And besides, I bought this one too." *points to a somewhat boyish spy thriller akin to Tom Clancy*

Well, I read it and loved it. While there was some minor sexual references, the book was mostly clean and the story was engaging. This tomboy is going to pick up the rest of the series...


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