17 November 2016

Song Review: Thy Will by Hillary Scott

Song reviews are something I've been waffling about on for a few months now. I want to do them because songs give me a lot of random epiphanies and even more frequently, funny moments. I chose this first one out of hilarity factor.

Go ahead and listen to this song; I  love it, despite my usual disdain for female singers. At first, this song started playing on Radio Station #3, that's preset number 3 in my car, i.e. one of 3 stations I flip through when the others are playing something I don't like.

Anyway, this song is a pretty deep discussion on God's Will and how we know it's best even when our situation feels pretty awful. I think that's why it's such a powerful song; it's so easy to relate to.
As for the hilarity: the chorus goes something like this.

"Thy will be done. Thy will be done. Thy will be done." Pretty simple right? Well, of course it is. For the first several times I heard this song, I swore the artist was singing, "I will be dead, I will be dead." I thought: that's a really dumb song. Oh yea, everything sucks and the world's going crazy but who cares, I'll be dead? Then, finally, the real lyrics hit me. Like face smash hit me. OOHHH, that's what she's saying. So, I'm in the backseat of the car, hubby and mom in the front seat. I go, "I know she's saying 'Thy will be done,' but I keep hearing 'I will be dead.' That's real inspirational." Cue peanut gallery laughter from the front seat.

Well, now I know all the lyrics and actually like the song now that I know what it's saying but every time my husband hears the song he sings along, "I will be dead, I will be dead!"


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